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Comiesięczne aktualizacje produktów Azure Monitor:, marzec 2024

19 mar

Operator and CRD support with Azure Managed Prometheus


Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus will support CRD-based configs for scrape jobs to collect metrics from workloads running in your AKS cluster. With this new update, customers can use custom resources (service monitor and pod monitor) to configure metric collection with Managed Prometheus.

  • Azure Monitor
  • Zarządzane narzędzie Prometheus
  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • Features
18 mar

Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus is available in 13 additional Azure regions


Azure Managed Prometheus was announced GA in May 2023 and was available in 26 regions, with this new update Azure Managed Prometheus will be available in 13 additional regions.

  • Zarządzane narzędzie Prometheus
  • Azure Monitor
  • Regions & Datacenters
14 mar

Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus now supports TLS & mTLS based scraping


Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus now supports TLS & mTLS based scraping for Prometheus instance served with TLS. To enable TLS and mTLS based scraping, you can configure the TLS settings in the ConfigMap.

  • Zarządzane narzędzie Prometheus
  • Azure Monitor
  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • Features


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