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Comiesięczne aktualizacje produktów , lipiec 2015

9 lip

General availability: Azure Batch


Azure Batch makes it easy to run large-scale parallel and high-performance computing workloads in Azure.

  • Batch
9 lip

Azure Site Recovery available in Brazil South


Customers can now use Azure Site Recovery to protect and recover their mission critical workloads in the Brazil South region.

  • Azure Site Recovery
  • Services
9 lip

General availability: Azure Site Recovery adds disaster recovery and migration of VMware and physical machines


Disaster recovery and migration of VMware and physical machines to Azure with Azure Site Recovery is generally available.

  • Azure Site Recovery
7 lip

Azure Cosmos DB: Order By support and .NET SDK 1.2.0

The latest Azure Cosmos DB update includes support for sorting (Order By) with numbers and strings and string range queries.

  • Azure Cosmos DB
  • Services
  • SDK and Tools
  • Features
2 lip

Azure preview portal Browse improvements

You can refresh the list of resources available from Browse, view the full list of recent resources you've used, and create new resources by using the Add command.

  • Microsoft Azure Portal
  • Features
2 lip

Navigation improvements to the Azure preview portal

We've introduced a new navigation bar that includes breadcrumbs, quick access to start customizing, and the user menu that shows which directory you've signed in to.

  • Microsoft Azure Portal
  • Features
1 lip

Automation: Graphical authoring adds runbook input as data source

Azure Automation adds runbook input parameters as a data source for configuring activity input parameter values.

  • Automation
  • Features
1 lip

Preview: Azure SQL Database Index Advisor


Use Azure SQL Database Index Advisor to improve your database performance.

  • Azure SQL Database
  • Features
1 lip

Już dostępna: usługa Media Encoder w warstwie Premium dla usługi Azure Media Services


Usługa Media Encoder w warstwie Premium dla usługi Azure Media Services oferuje nowe, zaawansowane funkcje kodowania, w tym obsługę formatów MXF, DVCPRO i 4K AVC, dźwięk w wielu językach, napisy, usuwanie przeplotu i konwersję barw.

  • Media Services
  • Features


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