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Měsíční aktualizace pro listopad 2023

13 lis

Public Preview: Azure Monitor Alerts integration with Event Grid for Azure Key Vault system events


​​​​​​​Azure Monitor alerts as a destination in Event Grid event subscriptions allow you to receive notification of critical events via action groups as Short Message Service (SMS), email, push notification, and more. You can leverage on the low latency event delivery of Event Grid with the flexibility and direct-to-customer notifications of Azure Monitor alerts.

  • Výstrahy
  • Compliance
  • Services
  • Features
6 lis

Ability to add dynamic values in Alert’s custom fields


Alerts help you detect and address issues before users notice them by proactively notifying you when Azure Monitor data indicates there might be a problem with your infrastructure or application. We added to the Custom properties section in the alert payload ability to add dynamic value extracted from the alert payload, or a combination of both can be added to the alert notification payload.

  • Výstrahy
  • Compliance
  • Services
  • Features
1 lis

TLS 1.2 to become the minimum TLS version for Azure Storage


Cílová dostupnost: Q4 2024

TLS 1.2 to become the minimum TLS version for Azure Storage

  • Azure Blob Storage
  • Azure Data Lake Storage
  • Compliance
  • Security


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