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Ежемесячные обновления для Декабрь 2016

28 дек

Public preview: New T-SQL language features


JSON functions, computed columns, and the CROSS APPLY operator are added in memory-optimized tables and natively compiled stored procedures in Azure SQL Database.

  • База данных SQL Azure
28 дек

Public preview: New Japanese collations are available in Azure SQL Database


New Japanese collations _XJIS_140 and Japanese_Bushu_Kakusu_140 are available in Azure SQL Database. The new collations support Ideographic Variation Sequences that are used in the Japanese language.

  • База данных SQL Azure
28 дек

General availability: VNet peering


VNet peering is generally available in Germany, US Gov, and China regions.

22 дек

General availability: Larger block blobs in Azure Storage


The introduction of larger block blobs increases the maximum file size from 195 GB to 4.77 TB.

  • Учетные записи хранения
  • Features
22 дек

Azure DevTest Labs available in UK South and UK West

Azure DevTest Labs is available in UK South and UK West, in addition to the other 21 regions it has supported.

  • Виртуальные машины
  • Azure DevTest Labs
  • Regions & Datacenters
  • Services
22 дек

General availability: Enterprise Integration Pack for Logic Apps


The Enterprise Integration Pack for Logic Apps is generally available.

  • Logic Apps
22 дек

Logic Apps available in India and West US 2/West Central US regions

Logic Apps is available in the India, West US 2, and West Central US regions.

  • Logic Apps
  • Regions & Datacenters
19 дек

Azure SQL Data Warehouse: Enhanced loading, monitoring, and troubleshooting experience

Azure SQL Data Warehouse has released a plethora of updates to the Azure portal and SQL Server Management Studio over the last few months.

  • Azure Synapse Analytics
  • Services
19 дек

Verizon geo-filtering migration

To provide a more consistent UI for accessing the Verizon geo-filtering feature, we will perform some configuration migrations from December 20 to December 23, 2016.

  • Сеть доставки содержимого
  • Services
19 дек

Azure DevTest Labs: Set auto-shutdown for a single lab VM

In Azure DevTest Labs, you can configure auto-shutdown for a single lab VM in addition to the auto-shutdown policy that applies to all the lab VMs.

  • Виртуальные машины
  • Azure DevTest Labs
  • Services
  • Features
16 дек

Azure Cosmos DB: Change Feed support

With Change Feed support, Azure Cosmos DB provides a sorted list of documents within a Azure Cosmos DB collection in the order in which they were modified.

  • Azure Cosmos DB
  • Features
15 дек

Azure DevTest Labs: Create claimable lab VMs in a pool

DevTest Labs supports claimable lab VMs. Lab admins can put VMs in a shared pool, and lab users can pick a working VM from the pool whenever they need one.

  • Виртуальные машины
  • Azure DevTest Labs
  • Services
  • Features
13 дек

General availability: Azure IoT Gateway SDK


With the general availability of the Azure IoT Gateway SDK, developers can create on-premises gateways that allow their IoT solutions to do more.

  • Центр Интернета вещей Azure
12 дек

General availability: Package Management extension for Visual Studio Team Services


The Package Management extension for Visual Studio Team Services is now generally available. It helps you move to DevOps workflows with continuous integration and delivery.

  • Azure DevOps
12 дек

General availability: Azure IoT Hub device management


Azure IoT Hub device management enables IoT developers and operators to harness the power of the Azure hyperscale cloud to organize, monitor, query, and orchestrate changes across billions of devices.

  • Центр Интернета вещей Azure
  • Services
  • Management
  • Features
7 дек

Query Store is turned on by default for Azure SQL Database

Effective immediately, Query Store is turned on by default in all new and existing databases in Azure SQL Database (including elastic database pools).

  • База данных SQL Azure
  • Features
6 дек

General availability: Mobile Apps SDKs for Apache Cordova and JavaScript


We released the Mobile Apps SDK for Apache Cordova v2.0.0, and the Mobile Apps SDK for JavaScript. This completes the suite of mobile platforms that the Mobile Apps feature supports.

  • Служба приложений
  • Мобильные службы
  • SDK and Tools
5 дек

New Quickstart experience for Web Apps

The new Quickstart experience for Web Apps guides you through the steps to deploy your app by using the deployment stack and deployment method of your choice in record time.

  • Служба приложений
  • Features
5 дек

Back up Azure VMs directly from the VM blade

Azure Backup provides the capability to back up a virtual machine directly from virtual machine management blade.

  • Azure Backup
  • Виртуальные машины
  • Features
30 ноя

General availability: New API version and .NET SDK for Azure Search


Azure Search has released new features in API version 2016-09-01 and a new .NET SDK.

  • Поиск ИИ Azure
  • Management
  • SDK and Tools


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