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Monthly updates for November 2016

Nov 28

Application Insights: Telemetry data will require HTTPS

Application Insights will no longer accept telemetry data sent using HTTP. Additionally, we recommend updating the JavaScript SDK snippet to download the SDL library via HTTPS.

  • Application Insights
  • Services
  • SDK and Tools
  • Features
Nov 23

Custom reports for Verizon Standard and Premium profiles

You can now find custom reports in the supplemental management portal for both Verizon profile types.

  • Content Delivery Network
  • Media Services
  • Features
Nov 23

Azure Backup security capabilities for protecting cloud backups


Azure Backup provides security features that help customers secure their backups and recover data by using cloud backups if production and backup servers are compromised.

  • Azure Backup
  • Services
Nov 22

Set auto-shutdown for VMs created through Resource Manager

You can set virtual machines created through the Azure Resource Manager deployment model to shut down automatically.

  • Virtual Machines
  • Azure DevTest Labs
  • Services
  • Features
Nov 21

Application Insights: General availability in additional regions and resource location update


Application Insights is generally available in East US, South Central US, West Europe, and North Europe. The US resource location has changed to align with the location of analytics data.

  • Application Insights
  • Regions & Datacenters
  • Features
Nov 21

Azure DevTest Labs: Create multiple-VM environments with Resource Manager templates

In Azure DevTest Labs, you can create your environments by using Azure Resource Manager templates.

  • Azure Resource Manager
  • Virtual Machines
  • Azure DevTest Labs
  • Services
  • Features
Nov 18

Azure Cosmos DB: Paper about the TCO of running a NoSQL database is available

Azure Cosmos DB Principal Engineering Manager Kirill Gavrylyuk recently published a paper that compares the TCO of running a NoSQL database in multiple scenarios.

  • Azure Cosmos DB
  • Pricing & Offerings
Nov 18

Azure Cosmos DB .NET Core Preview SDK available

You can use the Azure Cosmos DB .NET Core Preview SDK to build fast, cross-platform ASP.NET Core and .NET Core apps to run on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

  • Azure Cosmos DB
  • SDK and Tools
Nov 18

Free local development with the Azure Cosmos DB Emulator

Azure Cosmos DB offers a free emulator that provides a local development experience for the Azure Cosmos DB service.

  • Azure Cosmos DB
  • Features
Nov 18

New generation of A-series instances for Azure Virtual Machines


A new generation of A-series instances is available for Azure Virtual Machines. These Av2 instances carry the same CPU configurations but have more RAM per vCPU.

  • Virtual Machines
  • Pricing & Offerings
Nov 17

URL Authorization Rules in App Service


The initial preview of URL Authorization Rules in App Service can help set up your app's auth rules without burdening you with writing a bunch of code.

  • Access Control Service
  • App Service
  • Security
  • Features
Nov 16

General availability: Azure Functions


The Azure Functions experience is generally available, including the consumption compute model (formerly called "dynamic compute").

  • App Service
  • Azure Functions
  • Features
  • Pricing & Offerings
Nov 16

General availability: R Server on HDInsight


R Server on HDInsight is generally available. It enables scalable machine learning in the R language and several new features, such as integration with Spark 2.0 and Spark data sources.

  • HDInsight
Nov 15

General availability: G-series for Azure Cloud Services


The G-series is available on Azure Cloud Services in US West, US East 2, Europe West, Asia Southeast, Australia East, Canada Central, Canada East, Germany Central, and US Gov Virginia.

  • Pricing & Offerings
Nov 14

New App Service MVA course now available

Check out our new, free Microsoft Virtual Academy course, which will give you a great deep dive into Azure App Service. Our engineering team will lead you through the sessions.

  • App Service
  • Services
Nov 11

Azure Cosmos DB: Available in West Central US and West US 2

Azure Cosmos DB is available in the West Central US and West US 2 regions.

  • Azure Cosmos DB
  • Regions & Datacenters
Nov 10

Azure Backup support for encrypted Azure VMs


Azure Backup supports backup and restore of encrypted Azure virtual machines, along with related keys and secrets.

  • Azure Backup
  • Services
Nov 9

General availability: In-Memory OLTP in Azure SQL Database Premium


In-Memory OLTP is generally available in all Azure SQL Database Premium databases and enables large performance gains for transaction processing. Columnstore indexes enable large performance gains for analytics queries.

  • Azure SQL Database
Nov 8

General availability: Azure API Management SOAP pass-through


Azure API Management supports SOAP APIs. Customers can take advantage of features—such as security, analytics, and the developer portal—that were previously available only for REST/HTTP-style APIs.

  • API Management
  • Features
Nov 7

Azure Cosmos DB: New quick-start apps in the Azure portal

Azure Cosmos DB has quick-start apps available in the Azure portal.

  • Azure Cosmos DB
  • SDK and Tools


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