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Monthly updates for September 2015

Sep 30

General availability: Azure File Storage


Azure File Storage is generally available, and it provides fully managed file shares in the cloud.

  • Storage Accounts
  • Services
Sep 29

ARM support for ExpressRoute available in Brazil South region


ARM support for ExpressRoute is available in the Brazil South region.

  • Azure ExpressRoute
Sep 29

Office 365, Azure Government Cloud, Resource Manager templates, simplified billing


Announcing updates to Office 365, Azure Government Cloud, Resource Manager templates, and simplified billing.

  • Azure ExpressRoute
  • Virtual Network
  • VPN Gateway
  • Security
  • Features
  • Pricing & Offerings
Sep 29

General availability: Azure Storage Resource Provider


Azure Storage Resource Provider is now generally available.

  • Storage Accounts
  • Services
Sep 29

New APIs for Azure Storage Resource Provider


Azure Storage Resource Provider has two new APIs: Get Operations and Get Usage.

  • Storage Accounts
  • Services
Sep 29

Stream Analytics updates for IoT Suite


Azure Stream Analytics has added a number of updates to address common business needs for Internet of Things (IoT) projects.

  • Azure Cosmos DB
  • Microsoft Azure portal
  • Azure Stream Analytics
  • Features
Sep 29

Azure available in India regions


Local Azure services enable data residency for customers in India, bringing world-class reliability and performance to regulated industries and other businesses.

  • Regions & Datacenters
Sep 26

Public preview: Performance Test Web Apps and Mobile Apps


Generate thousands of virtual users to simulate real-world traffic on Web Apps and Mobile Apps.

  • App Service
Sep 22

Updates to Azure Mobile Apps server SDK

We have released a new open-source Node.js server SDK for Azure Mobile Apps and have made improvements to our .NET server SDK.

  • App Service
  • SDK and Tools
  • Features
Sep 18

New runbook type: native PowerShell


PowerShell runbooks allow you to automate processes by using PowerShell commands rather than PowerShell workflows.

  • Automation
  • Services
  • Features
Sep 18

Azure Automation DSC: public preview details


Now in public preview, Automation DSC is available in Free and Basic tiers, and it introduces a variety of new features since the private preview.

  • Automation
Sep 17

General availability: Ability to transfer subscriptions


You can now easily transfer a subscription you own to another user via the Azure Account Center.

  • Features
Sep 17

Generally available: Geospatial support in Azure Cosmos DB


Building location-aware applications and Internet of Things (IoT) systems is easier with the availability of geospatial support in Azure Cosmos DB.

  • Azure Cosmos DB
  • Features
Sep 17

Public preview: Azure Automation DSC


Azure Automation Desired State Configuration builds on PowerShell DSC to provide an easier configuration management experience.

  • Automation
  • Features
Sep 17

Public preview: Microsoft Azure Active Directory B2B collaboration


Azure Active Directory B2B collaboration helps improve security while simplifying the management of partner access to resources, including SaaS apps such as Office 365, Salesforce, many Azure services, and other mobile, cloud, and on-premises claims-aware applications.

  • Microsoft Entra ID (formerly Azure AD)
  • Security
  • Features
Sep 17

General availability: Azure Backup can protect IaaS VMs running on Windows or Linux


Azure Backup performs online backups of Azure IaaS virtual machines running on Windows and Linux, and restores them as needed.

  • Azure Backup
  • Features
Sep 17

Scheduling runbooks on hybrid workers now supported

When you schedule a runbook in Azure Automation, you can specify which hybrid worker group it will run on.

  • Automation
  • Features
Sep 16

Public preview: Azure Active Directory B2C


Azure Active Directory B2C is an enterprise-grade, multi-tenant, cloud service that helps you stay connected with your consumers.

  • Microsoft Entra ID (formerly Azure AD)
  • Azure Active Directory B2C
  • Security
  • Services
Sep 14

Additions to GitHub repository for Logic app connectors

We have added some new connectors to the GitHub repository for API Apps. In addition, we have improvements with regards to triggers, including retryPolicy support and a new "manual" trigger type.

  • App Service
  • Features
Sep 14

Improvements in Logic app triggers

Logic app has a new retry policy and a new manual trigger type in the Code view.

  • App Service
  • Features


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