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Monthly updates for October 2015

Oct 30

Azure API Management and Azure Event Hubs integration


We are excited to announce the new Azure Event Hubs integration features of API Management. API Management provides a number of analytics reports out-of-the-box, but for deeper customized analysis, monitoring, or troubleshooting, you can now configure your API Management service to log data in the form of events to Azure Event Hubs.

  • API Management
  • Event Hubs
  • Features
Oct 29

Public preview: Azure Resource Health


Azure Resource Health discloses the health of Azure resources to help quickly identify the root cause of an issue.

  • Services
Oct 29

Public preview: Azure Data Lake Store


Azure Data Lake Store provides a single repository where you can simply capture data of any size, type, and speed—without forcing changes to your application as the data scales.

  • Azure Data Lake Storage Gen1
  • Services
Oct 29

Public preview: Azure Data Lake Analytics


Azure Data Lake Analytics dynamically scales so you can focus on your business goals. Instead of deploying, configuring, and tuning hardware, you write queries to transform your data and help extract valuable insights.

  • Data Lake Analytics
  • Services
Oct 28

General availability: Dynamic Data Masking for Azure SQL Database


Dynamic Data Masking for Azure SQL Database limits the exposure of sensitive data by masking it to non-privileged users.

  • Azure SQL Database
Oct 28

Unleashing insights from data in Azure Cosmos DB with Power BI

You can now create Power BI reports and dashboards with data from Azure Cosmos DB.

  • Azure Cosmos DB
  • SDK and Tools
  • Features
Oct 28

Public preview: In-Memory OLTP and Real-Time Operational Analytics for Azure SQL Database


In-Memory OLTP and Real-Time Operational Analytics are available for preview in Premium databases in Azure SQL Database.

  • Azure SQL Database
Oct 21

Open Source App Service Mobile .NET Server SDK

The App Service Mobile .NET Server SDK is now open source on GitHub!

  • App Service
  • Features
Oct 19

Hybrid workers support native PowerShell

Hybrid runbook workers now support native PowerShell runbooks, enabling you to automate IT management on-premises by using pure PowerShell.

  • Automation
  • Features
Oct 14

General availability: Azure Backup support for application workloads


Azure Backup can now back up your on-premises application workloads, including SQL Server, Hyper-V virtual machines, SharePoint, and Exchange.

  • Azure Backup
  • Features
Oct 14

Azure Active Directory Application Proxy enhancements

Azure AD Application Proxy provides remote access and single sign-on (SSO) for many types of on-premises web applications.

  • Microsoft Entra ID (formerly Azure AD)
  • Security
  • Features
Oct 14

Public preview: Azure Active Directory Domain Services


Azure Active Directory Domain Services provides scalable, high-performance, managed domain services.

  • Microsoft Entra ID (formerly Azure AD)
  • Security
  • Services
Oct 14

Public preview: Azure Site Recovery integration with SQL Server AlwaysOn


Azure Site Recovery provides native support for SQL Server AlwaysOn.

  • Azure Site Recovery
  • Features
Oct 14

General availability: Azure Premium Storage in additional regions


Offering an SLA for 99.9 percent availability, Premium Storage is now available in the Central US and North Europe regions.

  • Storage Accounts
  • Services
Oct 14

General availability: Azure Rights Management document tracking


Document tracking in Azure RMS enables document owners to track activities on the sensitive files they share with others.

  • Microsoft Entra ID (formerly Azure AD)
  • Security
  • Features
Oct 14

General availability: Full-Text Search for Azure SQL Database


For applications that manage and store character-based data in Azure SQL Database, Full-Text Search integrates fast, rich search functionality into the database platform.

  • Azure SQL Database
  • Features
Oct 14

Secure data in Azure SQL Database with authentication, authorization, and encryption


Azure SQL Database offers a portfolio of features to help secure your data from malicious and unauthorized users.

  • Azure SQL Database
  • Features
Oct 14

General availability: Transparent Data Encryption for Azure SQL Database


Transparent Data Encryption for Azure SQL Database protects your data and helps you meet compliance requirements.

  • Azure SQL Database
Oct 13

Application Insights: More control of availability tests

Now you have more control over availability web tests; can reduce the number of a false-positive alerts; and can control the frequency of tests, the number of failed locations that cause an alert, and the test interval.

  • Application Insights
  • Features
Oct 12

General availability: Azure SQL Database Full-Text Search


Full-Text Search in Azure SQL Database supports richer search capabilities in your cloud applications.

  • Azure SQL Database
  • Features


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