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Monthly updates for February 2014

Feb 25

New Azure datacenters available in Japan


Microsoft has opened two new Azure datacenters in Japan. Japan East and Japan West offer new options for data residency and durability, plus disaster recovery.

  • Regions & Datacenters
  • Pricing & Offerings
Feb 20

Azure Web Sites now supports WebJobs

WebJobs allows the website owner to setup recurring and scheduled tasks and jobs.

  • App Service
  • Features
Feb 20

Service Health Notifications added to the Management Portal

This post describes Azure Service Health Notifications (also known as Incident Notifications) within the Azure Management Portal.

  • App Service
  • Cloud Services
  • Service Bus
  • Azure SQL Database
  • Storage Accounts
  • Virtual Machines
  • Management
  • Features
Feb 20

Remove standard server headers in Azure Web Sites

Disable standard server headers (like "X-Powered-By" and "X-AspNet-Version") on Azure Web Sites.

  • App Service
  • Features
Feb 20

Backup and restore for Azure Web Sites

Save a snapshot version of your web app and restore it later.

  • App Service
  • Features
Feb 20

New extension shows virtual machine info

Windows IaaS virtual machines show VM configuration (internal and public IP, disk space, memory, deployment ID, etc.) on the desktop.

  • Virtual Machines
  • Features
Feb 20

New service: ExpressRoute (Preview)


ExpressRoute enables dedicated, private, high-throughput network connectivity between Azure datacenters and on-premises IT environments.

  • Azure ExpressRoute
  • Services
Feb 20

Virtual Machines support VM Agents for Windows and Linux

VM Agent is a lightweight process that runs inside your virtual machines. Use it to install and manage extensions.

  • Virtual Machines
  • Features
Feb 20

Co-admin limit increased

Co-Admin limit per subscription increased from 10 to 200.

  • Management
Feb 20

Mobile Services integrated with Notification Hubs


Mobile Services integration with Notification Hubs simplifies push channel management.

  • Mobile Services
  • Features
Feb 20

Mobile Services support for .NET backend


Write backend Mobile Service logic by using .NET and the ASP.NET Web API framework, run Mobile Service code locally, and debug remotely.

  • Mobile Services
  • Features
Feb 20

PhoneGap support for Azure Mobile services

Develop cross-platform mobile apps with PhoneGap and Azure Mobile Services.

  • Mobile Services
  • Features
Feb 6

AutoHeal for Azure Web Sites

Recycle a worker process based on specific conditions or triggers.

  • App Service
  • Features
Jan 31

WordPress in the Azure Web Sites App Gallery updated to version 3.8

WordPress 3.8 is now available in the Azure Web Sites App Gallery.

  • App Service
  • Features


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