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Monthly updates for June 2014

Jun 30

Web Deploy as site extension for Azure Web Sites

We've created a new Web Deploy endpoint that lives as a site extension on each customer's site.

  • App Service
  • Features
Jun 26

New enhancements to HDInsight


HDInsight 3.1 (HDP 2.1) is now generally available and includes enhancements to HBase, Mahout and Tez.

  • HDInsight
  • Features
Jun 26

Traffic Manager support for weighted traffic distribution

Azure Traffic Manager’s round robin load-balancing method now supports weights.

  • Traffic Manager
  • Features
Jun 19

Scheduler Premium tier and updates to Standard tier

The new Scheduler Premium tier and updates to the Standard tier give you access to more units and job collections.

  • Scheduler
  • Pricing & Offerings
Jun 19

Microsoft Azure Site Recovery: Virtual Machines replication directly to Azure


Now you can replicate virtual machines from your primary site directly to Azure, instead of to your own secondary site.

  • Azure Site Recovery
  • Services
  • Features
Jun 19

New and improved Azure Service Health dashboard

The new Azure Status page is available on

  • Features
Jun 19

Azure Web Sites supports Python 3.4

Azure Websites supports Python 3.4, along with automatic configuration in the Azure Portal.

  • App Service
  • Features
Jun 19

Azure Websites Extensions

There's a new gallery of website extensions for Azure - use them to leverage a powerful set of tools deployed as site extensions.

  • App Service
  • Features
Jun 9

Azure PowerShell 0.8.3

This PowerShell release includes updates for Web Sites, Traffic Manager, and individual cmdlets.

  • App Service
  • HDInsight
  • Traffic Manager
  • Virtual Machines
  • SDK and Tools
Jun 6

Preview: HBase clusters in the HDInsight Service


The preview of Apache HBase clusters is available in the HDInsight Service. HBase is a low-latency NoSQL database that allows online transactional processing of big data.

  • HDInsight
  • Features
Jun 5

General Availability: Brazil South region


Host services in Brazil South with the same service-level agreement coverage offered in Azure regions worldwide.

  • Regions & Datacenters


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