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Monthly updates for January 2019

Jan 31

Query Store for Azure SQL Data Warehouse is now generally available


Query Store automatically captures a history of queries, plans, and runtime statistics and retains them for your review when monitoring your data warehouse. Query Store is available in all regions for all generations of Azure SQL Data Warehouse with no additional charges.

  • Azure Synapse Analytics
  • Features
Jan 31

General availability: Global VNet Peering in Azure China cloud

Global VNet Peering is now available in Azure China regions.

  • Virtual Network
  • Features
Jan 30

New release of the Microsoft Threat Modeling Tool


A new release of the Microsoft Threat Modeling Tool is available for download that contains several updates and feature changes.

  • SDK and Tools
  • Features
Jan 30

Schedules feature released for Azure Lab Services classroom labs


You can manage class schedules on classroom labs in Azure Lab Services.

  • Azure Lab Services
  • Services
  • Features
Jan 30

Azure Site Recovery: Azure VM disaster recovery updates


In Azure Site Recovery, we've added several features for VM disaster recovery.

  • Azure Site Recovery
  • Services
  • Features
Jan 29

Avere vFXT for Azure: New ARM Template Deployment now available


A new deployment wizard is now available for the Avere vFXT for Azure, a high-performance caching solution, to improve set-up processes.

  • Avere vFXT for Azure
  • Storage Accounts
  • Features
Jan 28

What's new in Azure Log Analytics – January 2019

A lot has changed recently in the Azure Log Analytics UX. This post covers some of the latest updates, to help you make the most of the log experience.

  • Azure Monitor
  • Features
Jan 28

In Development - AKS Pod Identity


AKS pod identity gives pods running in Kubernetes their own first-class identity in Azure Active Directory so they can securely communicate with Azure services.

  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • Features
Jan 28

In Development - AKS cluster auto-upgrade


Cluster auto-upgrade ensures that nodes in a cluster are running the latest version of Kubernetes.

  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • Features
Jan 28

Azure DNS: Getting ready for DNS Flag Day


Domains hosted on any Microsoft DNS service, including Azure DNS and Traffic Manager, will continue to work after DNS Flag Day. Customers don't need to take any action at this time.

  • Azure DNS
  • Traffic Manager
  • Compliance
  • Services
Jan 28

In Development - Node auto-repair support for AKS


Node auto-repair monitors nodes in a cluster and initiates a repair process if a node fails to meet health criteria.

  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • Features
Jan 28

In Development - AKS private cluster


Limit access to the Kubernetes API server to your Azure virtual network.

  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • Features
Jan 28

In Development - Availability Zones (AZ) support for AKS


Achieve higher reliability and resiliency by using Availability Zones (AZ).

  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • Features
Jan 28

In Development - Multiple node pools for your AKS workloads


Multiple node pools enable you to have different VM size per node pool to accommodate custom resource needs

  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • Features
Jan 28

In Development - Authorized IP Ranges for Kubernetes API server


Restrict access to the Kubernetes API server to specific IP addresses or IP ranges.

  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • Features
Jan 28

In Development - AKS pod security policy


Control sensitive pod specifications by setting up policies to validate requests to pods.

  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • Features
Jan 28

In Development - AKS cluster autoscaling


Scale more efficiently and run applications without downtime.

  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • Features
Jan 28

Public Preview: AKS Network Policy


Enables better security controls with user-defined network policy.

  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • Features
Jan 28

General availability: Move MariaDB servers to new resource groups and subscriptions


Move Azure Database for MariaDB servers to a new resource group or subscription.

  • Azure Database for MariaDB
  • Features
Jan 28

General availability: Standard Load Balancer and Standard Public IP in Azure Government

Azure Standard Load Balancer and Standard Public IP are now generally available in Azure Government cloud regions.

  • Load Balancer
  • Virtual Network
  • Microsoft Azure portal
  • Regions & Datacenters
  • Features


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