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Support for blob storage lease management from the Azure portal

Published date: September 21, 2017

You can now conveniently manage leases on containers and blobs of storage accounts right from the Azure Portal. The blades that display the list of containers and list of blobs display the current lease status of each item.

On these blades, you can select one or more containers or blobs and acquire leases on them. When you acquire leases on blobs, lease IDs are generated. You can then use these lease IDs for exclusive access to the blobs.

Similarly, you can select blobs that already have leases on them and break the leases. Do this with caution, because if a blob is a VHD that’s attached to a virtual machine, breaking the lease will cause the VM to stop functioning correctly. You can verify if this is the case by opening the metadata blade for that blob and viewing if the metadata specifies a VM name.


  • Microsoft Azure portal
  • Storage Accounts
  • Features
  • Management