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Azure Brazil South region now in public preview

Published date: April 17, 2014
The Azure Brazil South region, located in Sao Paulo state, is broadly available for public preview (the final step before general availability). The new region means better performance and reduced latency for local customers, who can now keep their data in country if they opt for Locally Redundant Storage.While the region is in public preview, standard supplemental terms of use for Azure previews apply, meaning the Brazil South region (and all services hosted there) are excluded from service level agreements during the preview period. Billing and subscription management support will be provided at no additional cost, and paid Azure support plans will be honored.The Azure website has been updated to provide detailed information on service availability and pricing for the new region. Azure Virtual Machines, Cloud Services, Storage, SQL Database, Web Sites, and Data Transfers hosted from Brazil South will be offered at a discount during the preview period.
  • Regions & Datacenters