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Monthly updates for March 2024

Mar 29

Begin using Azure Monitor–based dashboards in Azure API Management before the built-in analytics dashboards are retired on 15 March 2027

Target retirement date: March 15, 2027

The classic built-in analytics dashboards will be retired on 15 March 2027.

  • Retirements
Mar 29

Migrate your Git Repository to automated deployments with APIOps by 15 March 2025

Target retirement date: March 15, 2025

The Git repository feature in Azure API Management will be retired 15 March 2025

  • Retirements
Mar 29

Long Audio API will be retired on 31 March 2027 – Migrate to the new batch synthesis API


Target availability: Q1 2027

Long Audio API will be retired on March 31, 2027

  • Features
Mar 29

Azure CycleCloud support for Chef run_lists and cookbooks in cluster-init projects is ending on 31 March 2025

Target retirement date: April 01, 2025

End of Life Announcement for Chef Run_lists and Cookbooks in Azure CycleCloud Cluster-Init Projects on 31 March 2025

  • Retirements
Mar 29

Migrate to Azure AI Document Intelligence v3.1 GA version

Target retirement date: August 31, 2026

Azure AI Document Intelligence v2.0 API will be retired on 31 August 2026

  • Retirements
Mar 29

Custom .Net deserializer for Azure Stream Analytics will be retired on 30 September 2024.

Target retirement date: September 30, 2024

Custom .Net deserializer for Azure Stream Analytics will be retired on 30 September 2024.

  • SDK and Tools
  • Features
  • Retirements
Mar 29

We're retiring Memory Optimized Data Flows in Azure Data Factory - use General Purpose for better performance at a lower price.

Target retirement date: April 01, 2027

We're retiring Memory Optimized Data Flows in Azure Data Factory

  • Retirements
Mar 29

Custom .net deserializer for Azure Stream Analytics will be retired on 30 September 2024

Target retirement date: October 01, 2024

Custom .net deserializer for Azure Stream Analytics will be retired on 30 September 2024. After that date, it won't be possible to use the feature. Please transition to a JSON, AVRO, or CSV built-in deserializer by that date.

  • Azure Stream Analytics
  • Retirements
Mar 29

Azure HDInsight 5.0 will be retired on 31 March 2025

Target retirement date: March 31, 2025

Azure HDInsight 5.0 for cluster shapes Kafka, Interactive Query, and Spark will retire on 31 March 2025. HDInsight, 5.1 is Generally available from November 1, 2023, this release contains all the latest versions of supported software. It comes with all the improvements made in open-source versions and the integrations from Microsoft.

  • HDInsight
  • Retirements
Mar 29

Retirement notice: Windows Server 2022 will retire with k8s 1.34 in March 2027

Target retirement date: March 15, 2027

Windows Server 2022 will be retired on 15 March 2027

  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • Retirements
Mar 29

Retirement notice: The legacy Azure Storage C++ client libraries will be retired on 29 March 2025


Target retirement date: March 29, 2024

Legacy Azure Storage C++ client libraries will be retired on 29 March 2025. Before that date, you’ll need to transition to the latest version of the Azure Storage C++ client libraries.

  • SDKs
  • Storage Accounts
  • Retirements
Mar 29

Azure Maps Web SDK Map Control version 2.0.x and Azure Maps Service Module will be retired on 30 September 2026

Target retirement date: September 30, 2026

Azure Maps Web SDK Map Control version 2.0.x and Azure Maps Service Module will be retired on 30 September 2026

  • Azure Maps
  • Retirements
Mar 29

Retirement: Support for .NET 6 ends on 12 November 2024—upgrade your Azure Functions apps to .NET 8


Target retirement date: November 12, 2024

Upgrade your Azure Functions apps to .NET 8

  • Azure Functions
  • Retirements
Mar 29

Retirement: Support for the in-process model for .NET apps in Azure Functions ends 10 November 2026.


Target retirement date: November 10, 2026

Migrate your .NET apps in Azure Functions to the isolated worker model

  • Azure Functions
  • Retirements
Mar 29

Standard_NC6s_v3, Standard_NC12s_v3 and Standard_NC24s_v3 Azure virtual machines will be retired on September 30, 2025

Standard_NC6s_v3, Standard_NC12s_v3 and Standard_NC24s_v3 Azure virtual machines will be retired on September 30, 2025

  • Retirements
Mar 29

Standard_NC24rs_v3 virtual machines will be retired on March 31st, 2025

Target retirement date: March 31, 2025

Standard_NC24rs_v3 virtual machines will be retired on March 31st, 2025

  • Retirements
Mar 29

Support for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS for Batch pools will be retired on 23 April 2025

Target retirement date: April 24, 2025

End of life announcement for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS support for Azure Batch pools on 23 April 2025

  • Batch
  • Retirements
Mar 29

Support for Basic and Standard A-series VM families support will be retired on 31 August 2024 for Batch pools

Target retirement date: September 01, 2024

End of life for Basic and Standard A-series VM families support in Batch pools on 31 August 2024

  • Batch
  • Retirements
Mar 29

Every-write AOF persistence on Azure Cache for Redis Enterprise and Enterprise Flash will be retired on 1 April 2025

Target retirement date: April 01, 2025

Every-write AOF will be retired on 1 April 2025, and all instances using the feature will automatically switch to use every-second AOF instead.

  • Azure Cache for Redis
  • Retirements
Mar 29

General availability: Availability zone volume placement for Azure NetApp Files


Deploy new Azure NetApp Files volumes in Azure availability zones (AZs) of your choice to support workloads across multiple availability zones

  • Azure NetApp Files
  • Regions & Datacenters
  • Pricing & Offerings
  • Features


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