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Monthly updates for November 2018

Nov 30

Move to Azure Resource Manager REST APIs for Azure SQL Database

Target retirement date: December 01, 2019

Azure Resource Manager is our cloud infrastructure stack that fully replaces the classic Azure Service Manager deployment model. As a result, support for Service Manager REST APIs for Azure SQL Database will be retired on December 1, 2019.

  • Azure Resource Manager
  • Retirements
Nov 30

Data Factory supports service principal and MSI authentication for Data Lake Storage Gen2


Azure Data Factory now supports service principal and MSI authentication for Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 connectors.

  • Azure Data Factory
  • Features
Nov 29

Azure API Management update November 28


Learn about the latest regular update to Azure API Management.

  • API Management
  • Features
Nov 28

Azure SQL DB Managed Instance recommendation for Database Migration Assistant


Azure SQL Database Managed Instance SKU Recommendation for Database Migration Assistant is now in preview.

  • Azure SQL Database
  • Services
Nov 28

User-assigned managed identity support for App Service on Linux/Web App for Containers


Use managed identities with Linux apps and use user-assigned identities on the App Service platform, including Azure Functions hosted under an App Service plan.

  • Azure Functions
  • App Service (Linux)
  • Services
Nov 28

Azure Functions—Key Vault integration


Azure Key Vault integration with Azure Functions lets you build more secure serverless applications out of the box, taking advantage of secrets management to get the benefits of rotation policies and centralized access control.

  • Key Vault
  • Azure Functions
  • Security
  • Services
Nov 28

Power BI service update


The latest update to the Power BI services includes the preview of dataflows and paginated reports in Power BI.

  • Services
Nov 28

Power BI Desktop November update


This month’s update for Power BI Desktop includes several new features the Power BI community has asked for, including follow-up questions for Q&A explorer, a new modeling view making it easier to work with large models, expand and collapse matrix row headers, and copy and paste between PBIX files.

  • Services
Nov 28

Azure Blockchain Development Kit integrates blockchain with the best of Microsoft and Azure


Connect any user interface, integrate with existing systems, and simplify smart contract DevOps with the Azure Blockchain Development Kit, now available to the public.

  • Azure Blockchain Workbench
  • Services
  • SDK and Tools
Nov 28

Your own hardware security module in the cloud


Directly access your own cloud-based security module

  • Services
Nov 26

Azure Security Center update - November


These updates and enhancements were made to Azure Security Center in November.

  • Microsoft Defender for Cloud
  • Security
  • Services
  • Features
Nov 26

General availability: Zone-redundant SQL databases and elastic pools in additional regions


Zone-redundant SQL databases and elastic pools are now generally available in two additional regions: West Europe and South-East Asia.

  • Azure SQL Database
  • Compliance
  • Regions & Datacenters
  • Services
Nov 26

Japanese Era Update


On May 1, 2019, a new Japanese era and associated calendar will begin. Microsoft is preparing for these changes.

  • Compliance
Nov 21

Azure Site Recovery supports firewall-enabled storage accounts

Azure Site Recovery now supports firewall-enabled storage accounts.

  • Features
Nov 19

Service Bus name changes

Effective January 1, 2019, the names for Azure Service Bus Messaging will change.

  • Service Bus
  • Services
Nov 19

Azure SignalR Service GUID changes

Effective January 1, 2019, resource GUIDs and names for Azure SignalR Service will change.

  • Azure SignalR Service
  • Services
Nov 19

Security Center Workload Protection for App Service name changes

Effective January 1, 2019, names for Security Center Workload Protection for App Service will change.

  • Microsoft Defender for Cloud
  • Security
  • Services
Nov 19

Blob storage Germany resource GUID and name changes

Effective January 1, 2019, resource GUIDs and names for Azure Blob storage for Germany regions will change.

  • Storage Accounts
  • Services
Nov 19

Tomcat for Azure App Service on Linux now generally available


Azure App Service on Linux now supports Apache Tomcat 8.5 and 9. Azure App Service for Tomcat on Linux allows developers to quickly build, deploy, and scale their Tomcat web applications on a fully managed Linux-based service.

  • App Service
  • Services
Nov 16

Update 18.11 for Azure Sphere in public preview


We are pleased to announce the 18.11 update to the Azure Sphere Operating System, Azure Sphere Security Service, and Visual Studio development environment.

  • Azure Sphere
  • SDK and Tools


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