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General availability: Azure API Management updates in January 2022

Published date: January 27, 2022

On 20 January 2022, we released a regular Azure API Management service update and it may take several weeks for your API Management service to receive the update.


  1. Published developer portals are now automatically upgraded to new portal releases, without the need to republish the portal manually. Automated upgrades will preserve the latest published content; they won't publish saved but unpublished content.
  2. You can now use curly brackets in a SOAP action URL template (for example, /soapAction={wildcard}) to define a wildcard SOAP action, which will match any SOAP request that doesn't have a dedicated action defined in the API. The value inside the curly brackets doesn't affect the execution.
  3. Availability zones are now supported in the East Asia region.


  1. Newly created diagnostic settings will no longer be configured to log request query parameters by default. As part of this change, Diagnostic entity's dataMasking.queryParams properties will be set with the following wildcard configuration { "value": "*", "mode": "Hide"}. The same wildcard configuration can also be applied to dataMasking.headers.
  2. Self-hosted gateway now properly handles a certificate change (certificateId) for existing hostnames.
  3. Multiple validate-content policies can now be specified in a single policy section.
  4. It is now possible to delete a resource group with an stv2-based API Management service in a virtual network. Previously, the deletion could fail due to an unreleased public IP resource. Learn more about stv2 and API Management's infrastructure.
  5. ConfigurationChange event is no longer logged in Resource Health for API Management service backups.
  6. tracestate header values are no longer truncated after the first key-value pair.
  7. An attempt to deploy an stv2 API Management service into a virtual network subnet with an stv1 API Management service will now result in a descriptive error message.

Learn more details here.

  • API Management
  • Services

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