Azure Backup: Operational backup for Azure Blobs is now generally available
Published date: May 05, 2021
Operational backup for Azure Blobs, now generally available, is a managed data protection solution that lets you protect your block blob data from various data loss scenarios like blob corruptions, blob deletions, and accidental storage account deletions.
Being an operational backup solution, the backup data is stored locally within the source storage account itself and can be recovered from a selected point in time, giving you a simple and cost-effective means to protect your blob data. To do this, the solution uses the blob point-in-time restore capability available from blob storage.
Operational backup for blobs integrates with Azure Backup management tools, including Backup Center, to help you manage the protection of your blob data effectively and at-scale. In addition to previously available capabilities, you can now also configure and manage operational backup for blobs using the ‘Data protection’ view of the storage accounts as well as through PowerShell. Also, Backup now gives you an enhanced experience for managing role assignments required for configuring operational backup.
Read the documentation for more details.