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General availability: Azure IoT Central new and updated features—September 2021

Yayımlanma tarihi: 15 Ekim, 2021

Last-known value tile now displays telemetry trend

Users can now visualize the direction telemetry is trending using the IoT Central dashboard last-known-value (LKV) tile. When you configure an LKV tile, you can toggle Show telemetry increase/decrease to see the delta between the current and the previous value. This lets you see a telemetry trend at a glance, for example an operator can scan their dashboard and determine if a set of robots is charging correctly by checking if the voltage of a set of robots is increasing or decreasing.


Save analytics queries

The new save queries feature lets you persist queries created on the Analytics page in IoT Central. This feature makes it simple to pick up where you left off or re-run the same analysis. You can now create, save, rename, and delete queries so that analyzing data is simpler and faster.

Device template assignment based on device model ID

You can now automatically update the device template associated with a device by sending new model ID at device registration time. This automatic migration of devices to updated templates eliminates the need to manually migrate the devices from within IoT Central.

Bring your own SAS key support

One of the major blockers for IoT Central customers moving from Azure IoT PaaS services was the inability to use their existing SAS keys to setup their enrollment groups. With bring your own SAS keys support, you can easily configure your IoT Central applications with existing SAS keys and connect your existing devices without any change.


In addition to documentation updates supporting the new features, we've updated the Azure IoT Central architecture article to provide more depth.

To learn more about IoT Central, visit the documentation.

  • Azure IoT Central
  • Features

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