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More IOPS at no additional cost for Azure Files premium tier

Publiceringsdatum: 24 november, 2020

Effective immediately, all premium shares get an input/output per second (IOPS) uplift for free. All shares get an additional 400 baseline IOPS, and even the smallest share of 100 GiB can now burst up to 4,000 IOPS. This change is particularly beneficial for workloads that do not have a high capacity requirement but need extra performance to accommodate spikes in traffic or sudden unpredictable loads, such as web applications, backup and restore operations, and batch jobs.


Baseline IOPS = 1 * provisioned GiB. (Up to a max of 100,000 IOPS).
Burst Limit = 3 * Baseline IOPS. (Up to a max of 100,000 IOPS).

With this change,

Baseline IOPS = 400 + 1 * provisioned GiB. (Up to a max of 100,000 IOPS).
Burst Limit = MAX (4,000, 3 * Baseline IOPS). (Up to a max of 100,000 IOPS).

The new IOPS limits are available in all Azure Files premium tier regions. This additional free IOPS offer coupled with our recent price reduction of 33% on Azure Files premium tier will significantly reduce the total cost of deployment.

Learn more.

  • Premium Files Storage
  • Azure Files
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