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New developer pricing tier for integration service environment

Tanggal dipublikasikan: 24 Juli, 2019

A developer pricing tier that allows customers to deploy an integration service environment (ISE) at a reduced cost is now generally available. The new tier is perfect for those interested in configuring an ISE at a reduced cost, prior to moving to a production tier. Additionally, this tier is a great way to get hands-on learning about ISEs, to test out the various features and functionalities available, or to deploy multiple ISEs at a reduced cost. 

Many customers have used the integration service environment to create consistent, private environments (connected directly to an on-premises service) to run workflows critical to their business. This new tier offers a way for those interested in exploring this approach a way to get started immediately. 

Unlike the production tiers, the developer tier has no guarantee of reliability or scalability within the environment. This tier is intended to be used for development and testing purposes only. If you’re looking to get all the benefits of the ISE, we recommend using the production offerings. 

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  • Logic Apps
  • Features

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