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Public preview: Azure SQL Data Warehouse extension for SQL Operations Studio

Tanggal dipublikasikan: 09 Juli, 2018

A few months, ago we blogged on creating a customizable management experience with SQL Operations Studio (Ops Studio). Now we're announcing the preview release of the Azure SQL Data Warehouse extension.

You can seamlessly install the extension from the Ops Studio Marketplace, surfacing a prebuilt dashboard for your data warehouse. For those new to Ops Studio, this is the easiest way to instantly get access to helpful insight widgets.

To get started:

  1. Download SQL Operations Studio.
  2. Access Extensions Manager and install Azure SQL Data Warehouse Insights.
  3. Select Reload and connect to your SQL data warehouse.
  4. Right-click the server and select Manage. Select the Dashboard tab to see your insights.

Insight widgets are generated through T-SQL scripts embedded within SQL Ops. All monitoring scripts are uploaded to the following GitHub repository: SQL Data Warehouse Samples. You can help improve this extension by contributing or providing feedback.

  • Azure Synapse Analytics
  • Features
  • SDK and Tools