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Azure API Management update November 28

Tanggal dipublikasikan: 29 November, 2018

On November 28, we started a regular Azure API Management service update. It includes the following bug fixes, changes, and new features:

  • Improved security of the "Invite User" feature. We fixed a bug that allowed password change for the invited user without providing a current password.
  • Improved security of the "Try It" feature. We now enforce a 2-MB limit on the size of files uploaded on the Try It console in the developer portal. We mitigated a regression, so now secrets are again hidden by default and the "reveal" button works as before.
  • Bug fixes in the developer portal. We fixed an issue that caused some of the active subscriptions to not show up in the portal. Also, a name change in the user profile is now immediately reflected in the portal.
  • More robust OpenAPI import and export. We now correctly roundtrip parameters of type "file." We optimized schema handling, so operations of creating or modifying schemas perform much better, especially when they're large.
  • MSI support in China and US Gov regions. Customers in those regions can now use TLS certificates stored in Azure Key Vault.
  • Analytics reports in the Azure portal. The same reports that were available in the publisher portal are now also available in preview in the Azure portal. We plan to remove the reports from the publisher portal after the feature becomes generally available.
  • A new version of the .NET SDK. It uses a stable 2018-01-01 API version and includes a few changes.

Note that updates are deployed gradually in batches, and it usually takes a week or more for every active service instance to receive them.

  • API Management
  • Features

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