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Azure SQL Database default configurations are changing

Published date: March 12, 2020

Azure SQL Database now has the latest Gen 5 hardware in place to ensure optimal service performance. As a result, the default database configurations and the default elastic pool configurations are being changed for all new Azure SQL databases.

Beginning March 9, 2020, these will be the default configurations for new databases and elastic pools:

  • Databases

    • General purpose tier—provisioned with 2 vCores on Gen 5 hardware

    • Business critical tier—provisioned with 2 vCores on Gen 5 hardware

  • Elastic pools

    • General purpose tier—provisioned with 2 vCores on Gen 5 hardware

    • Business critical tier—provisioned with 4 vCores on Gen 5 hardware

Customers engaging in the free trial program will have access to databases and elastic pools on the general purpose tier, provisioned with 2 vCores on Gen 5 hardware.

If you have existing databases and elastic pools on Gen 4 hardware and prefer to continue using that for new ones, select Gen 4 hardware options from within the Azure portal or via scripts. If you rely upon scripts to automate the creation of new databases or pools, update them to create the database with your preferred hardware options. 

Read the documentation for sample scripts: T-SQL, CLI, PowerShell.

  • Azure SQL Database
  • Services