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Enhancements to the Azure portal

Published date: March 14, 2016
Extension performanceWe disabled unnecessary polling and caching patterns.
Azure App Service advisorThere's a new feedback feature for recommendations. We moved the App Service advisor feature to the Settings tab.
App Service environmentWe fixed a bug in which the worker pool Settings blade was not loading.
Role-Based Access ControlWe fixed the following:
  • The Continuous deployment tile and Mobile authentication blade didn’t work as expected when someone granted "website contributor" access at the website level and "reader" access to the associated web hosting plan.
  • The contributor to a slot was not permitted to set appSettings.
ClearDBWe fixed a creation issue that arose when the Azure portal was in any language other than English.
MiscellaneousWe made these additional changes:
  • When updating the API definition location failed, the edit scope entered a bad state. We fixed this.
  • An Azure Pass subscription always creates sites on Brazil South.
  • The Settings blade of the Azure App Service plan shows only one Scale Up.
  • We added a browse feature to the Web Apps action menu.
  • Insight services are not deployed to India regions today. This means that location = <India> is invalid for the alert rule and autoscale setting resource types.
  • We cleaned up UI strings for site extensions.
  • App Service
  • Microsoft Azure portal
  • Features