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Azure Automation classic portal redirect to new Azure portal spring 2016

Published date: February 24, 2016

UPDATE March 15, 2016 :  Azure Automation is rescheduling redirecting users from the classic Azure portal to the new portal.  The Automation team will provide another update once there is a new official date for this change.  ORIGINAL POST: Azure Automation is retiring the Azure classic portal in early March 2016. After this date, when you try to access Automation in the classic portal you will be redirected to the new Azure portal (  This change applies only to the public Azure cloud. It will not be applied to Azure Government or Azure China clouds at this time. All of your Azure Automation accounts and resources are available in the new Azure portal, and all of your scheduled jobs will continue to run without modification. You can perform the same tasks using the new Azure portal that you could in the classic portal, and much more. In addition to the resources and functionality that existed in the classic portal, you also have access to a number of new features that were unavailable, including:

In the new Azure portal, you can access Automation by navigating to Browse > Automation Accounts. BrowseAutomationAccounts When you select an Automation account, you can view all the resources available to you at the top of the account blade. AccountDashboardOverview For more information about Automation, check out Azure Automation Documentation. Additional resources:

  • Services