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Build 2018: What’s new in Azure video processing and video AI

Developers and media companies trust and rely on Azure Media Services building the ability to encode, protect, analyze and deliver video at scale.

Developers and media companies trust and rely on Azure Media Services to build the ability to encode, protect, analyze and deliver video at scale. This week, at the Build 2018 conference in Seattle, we are proud to announce a major new API version for Azure Media Services, along with new developer focused features, and updates to Video Indexer.

Media processing at scale: Public preview of the new Azure Media Services API (v3)

Starting at Build 2018, developers can begin working with the public preview of the new Azure Media Services API (v3). The new API provides a simplified development model, enables a better integration experience with key Azure services like Event Grid and Functions, includes two new media analysis capabilities, and provides a new set of SDKs for .NET, .NET Core, Java, Go, Python, and Node.js!

We have created a set of preliminary documentation to get developers started quickly learning more about the new Azure Media Services preview release announcements.

Media Intelligence: Updates to Video Indexer

A year ago we announced the revolutionary Video Indexer, the AI-based media metadata extraction cloud service. We’re beyond excited for the warm welcome that the service has received, as well as the interest and feedback from the users.

This year at Build 2018, we’re happy to share major updates to Video Indexer.

  • You can now connect Video Indexer to your Azure subscription to go beyond the cap of resources available on the trial experience.
  • New version of the API based on feedback from the trial experience users.
  • Video Indexer is available in three new regions: West US, North Europe, and East Asia.
  • UX localized to six languages.
  • As well as new documentation and code samples.

Learn more about the Video Indexer service and platform updates.

We’re eager to hear from you about these updates, you can find us on the Azure Media Services and Video Indexer user voice sites, or you can reach us on twitter (@MSFTAzureMedia, @Video_Indexer).