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Upgrade to new solution for Azure Monitor for virtual machines

Published date: 27 January, 2020

The new solution for Azure Monitor for VMs will soon be available in all regions. This update will provide richer monitoring functionality and map data sets for Service Map customers. Once it is available in your region, it will be necessary to upgrade to the new solution in order to continue using Azure Monitor for VMs. Disruption to your workflow should be minimal since Azure Monitor for VMs is still in preview, compared to upgrading after general availability.

For details on what these updates include and to see how to prepare for these changes please read this blog post and the general availability FAQ.


To upgrade to the new solution:

  1. Sign in to the Azure portal and navigate to Azure Monitor -> Virtual Machines.
  2. On the Get Started tab, select the subscriptions you wish to upgrade (all preferred).
  3. Click Upgrade Selected.

Note—You will need contributor access to the Log Analytics workspace to perform this action.

PowerShell / Command line:

Set-AzureRmOperationalInsightsIntelligencePack -ResourceGroupName “<resourcegroupname>” -WorkspaceName “<workspacename>” -IntelligencePackName "VMInsights" -Enabled $True

Learn more.

  • Azure Monitor
  • Virtual Machines
  • Features
  • Services