Public preview: Azure Chaos Studio - Systematically improve resilience with controlled chaos
Published date: November 02, 2021
With Azure Chaos Studio, you can improve the resilience of your applications by deliberately introducing faults that simulate real-world outages. Track, measure, and mitigate faults through controlled chaos engineering. Chaos Studio offers you a fully managed experimentation platform to accelerate discovery of hard-to-find issues – from late stage development through to production – all within the familiarity of the Azure platform. Experiment with Chaos Studio on your own terms by validating product quality where and when it makes sense for you. Leverage our continuously expanding library of faults, which includes CPU pressure, network latency, blocked resource access, and even infrastructure outages. Chaos Studio gives you the opportunity to disrupt your apps intentionally so you can identify gaps and plan mitigations – before your customers are impacted by a problem.