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Enterprise Security Package for Azure HDInsight generally available

Published date: September 24, 2018

Enterprise Security Package for Azure HDInsight is now generally available. Get enterprise-grade security for Hadoop and Spark workloads, with the following capabilities:

  • Multiuser authentication using Active Directory or Azure Active Directory.
  • Multiuser Zeppelin notebook with collaborative data science experience.
  • Role-based access control for Ambari operations.
  • Fine grained role-based access control for Hive SQL and Spark SQL using Apache Ranger.
  • Data masking of sensitive data using Apache Ranger.
  • Seamless integration with file and folder level ACLs in Azure Data Lake Store Gen1.
  • Audit all access to sensitive data as well as changes to access policies.
  • Transparent server-side encryption at rest as well as encryption in transit.

Learn more about this feature.

Learn more about Azure HDInsight.

  • HDInsight
  • Services

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