We are pleased to announce a new update including new features allowing you to easily configure AES and PlayReady dynamic encryption for VOD or Live with Java SDK.
Update: For the most up to date information on for connecting to the Azure Media Services v3 Java SDK, please visit the Connect to Media Services v3 API – Java documentation.
We are pleased to announce a new update (V.0.8.0) for Azure Media Services SDK for Java including new features like content protection and support for more entities/operations (StreamingEndpoint, EncodingReservedUnitType, StorageAccount, etc.). With this update, you can easily configure AES and PlayReady dynamic encryption for VOD or Live with Java SDK. If you are not familiar with this feature, please read my recent blog post. This update is contributed by developer Mariano Converti and Emanuel Vecchio from our partner Southworks. They also updated the following code samples to help get you started quickly:
- azure-media-dynamic-encryption-aes: This is a console Java application that shows how to use AES-128 Dynamic Encryption and Key Delivery Service. It is based on the .NET sample explained in a recent MSDN article.
- azure-media-dynamic-encryption-playready: This is a console Java application that shows how to use PlayReady Dynamic Encryption and License Delivery Service. It is based on the .NET sample explained in this MSDN article.
- azure-media-scale-workflow: This is a console Java application that shows how to manage Encoding Streaming Endpoints, Reserved Unit Types and Storage Accounts.
To learn more, head over to view Mariano's original blog post.
v0.8.0 Change Log
- Upgrade targeted REST API version from 2.5 to 2.11
- Support for ContentKeyAuthorizationPolicy entity
- Support for ContentKeyAuthorizationPolicyOption entity
- Support for ContentKeyAuthorizationPolicyRestriction complex type
- Support for AssetDeliveryPolicy entity
- Support for StreamingEndpoint entity
- Support for EncodingReservedUnitType entity
- Support for StorageAccount entity
- Support for Operation entity
- Update Asset entity with new properties
- Update ContentKey entity with new properties
- Add ContentKeyType.EnvelopeEncryption enumeration value
- Add helpers for TokenRestrictionTemplate classes
- Support for TokenType enumeration
- Support for TokenClaim class
- Support for TokenVerificationKey class
- Support for SymmetricTokenVerificationKey class
- Support for AsymmetricTokenVerificationKey class
- Support for X509CertTokenVerificationKey class
- Implement serialize/deserialize in TokenRestrictionTemplateSerializer class
- Implement TokenRestrictionTemplateSerializer.generateTestToken method (for both SWT and JWT formats)
- Add helpers for PlayReadyLicenseResponseTemplate classes
- Support for UnknownOutputPassingOption class
- Support for ExplicitAnalogTelevisionRestriction class
- Support for AgcAndColorStripeRestriction class
- Support for ScmsRestriction class
- Support for PlayReadyContentKey class
- Support for ContentEncryptionKeyFromHeader class
- Support for ContentEncryptionKeyFromKeyIdentifier class
- Support for PlayReadyLicenseType enumeration
- Support for PlayReadyPlayRight class
- Support for PlayReadyLicenseTemplate class
- Implement serialize/deserialize in MediaServicesLicenseTemplateSerializer class