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8月 2020 の毎月の更新情報

8 10

新しい GPU NCas T4 v3 VM のパブリック プレビューが開始されました


NCas T4 v3 シリーズ VM の、米国西部 2 でのプレビューが開始されました。

  • Virtual Machines
  • Services
  • Features
8 6

Selective disks backup for Azure Virtual Machine is in public preview


Optimize your costs and enjoy faster backup and restore operations by selectively backing up a subset of the data disks in a VM.

  • Azure Backup
  • Features
8 5

Azure Monitor for containers with Azure Portal now supports Kubernetes resource view


Azure monitor for containers with Azure portal now supports new Kubernetes resource view. In this new view you can diagnose the issue by drilling down to resource types including deployments, pods, and replica sets & see historical data trend and overall usage over time.

  • Microsoft Azure Portal
  • Azure Monitor
  • Services
8 5

Configurable backup storage redundancy option for Azure SQL Managed Instance


More flexibility and choice for backup storage redundancy with the addition of LRS and ZRS storage options.

  • Azure SQL Database
  • Features
8 5

Simplify and Modernize your Java and Spring workloads with Azure Service Bus


In order to provide Azure Service Bus to more customers irrespective of their application stack and application ecosystem, and in keeping with that vision, we’re announcing feature parity with Java Message Service (JMS) 2.0 over AMQP.

  • Service Bus
  • Services
  • Features
8 5

Audit Logs of Azure Monitor logs queries now available


The Azure Monitor Logs service allows you to collect telemetry of all types across their entire infrastructure and query this telemetry to collect insights. We are announcing a new capability to collect audit logs about query execution.

  • Azure Monitor
  • Features
8 5

Kubernetes resource view is in public preview


Kubernetes resource view allows developers to use point and click navigation to see live, in-depth details of their workloads.

  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • Features


最新のニュースと発表を Azure ブログでお読みください。


Microsoft とコミュニティのエキスパートから疑問に対する回答を得ましょう。

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Azure は、他のどんなクラウド プロバイダーよりも多くのリージョンでご利用いただけます。
