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General availability: New Azure Data Explorer output plugin for Telegraf

公開日: 11月 03, 2021

The Telergaf output plugin for Azure Data Explorer (generally available) and Azure Synapse Data Explorer (public preview) is now generally available for both services, enabling you to write logs and time series data to Azure Data Explorer. This plugin is completely configuration based, very easy to deploy and monitor. It can be deployed on containerized environments, VMs or servers that need to be monitored. Telegraf is an open source, light weight agent to collect telemetry data (logs, metrics, or IoT data).

Use this plugin to ingest data collected by any of the Telergaf input plugins into Azure Data Explorer, some of the popular use cases are:

  • Near real-time and cost effective monitoriing of SQL Server environments at scale - Telegraf's SQL Server input plugin collects rich and comprehensive metrics from SQL Servers(including Azure SQL Database, elastic pools, SQL MI, SQL Server on VM/on-premises). By using the combination of SQL input plugin with this new output plugin, you can ingest data with low latency and high throughput into Azure Data Explorer, build near real-time analytics dashboards to monitor extremely large fleet of SQL environments in a cost effective way.
  • Monitoring of containerized environments and servers - Similarly, you can use this plugin to collect data generated by docker containers, kubernetes environments, syslogs, windows event logs or any of the supported input plugins, and extract insights using time series analytics features of Azure Data Explorer.

Check out the blog post for details, benefits, and how to monitor extremely large SQL Server ecosystems in a simpler and cost effective manner.

  • Azure Data Explorer
  • Azure Synapse Analytics
  • Features
  • Open Source