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Liza Mash Levin

Senior Program Manager Lead, Azure Sentinel team

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Showing 1 – 3 of 3 posts found

Published • 2 min read

Machine Learning powered detections with Kusto query language in Azure Sentinel 

As cyberattacks become more complex and harder to detect. The traditional correlation rules of a SIEM are not enough, they are lacking the full context of the attack and can only detect attacks that were seen before. This can result in false negatives and gaps in the environment. In addition, correlation rules require significant maintenance and customization since they may provide different results based on the customer environment.

Published • 1 min read

IaaS で実行中の Linux コンテナーを保護する Azure Security Center 

最近では、従来のモノリシック アプリケーションからコンテナー化したミッション クリティカルでクラウド ネイティブなアプリケーションに移行して、運用環境に採用する企業が増えてきました。コンテナーは、開発者や IT 担当者にさまざまなメリットをもたらします。