Public preview: New UX for the AKS DevX Extension for Visual Studio Code
Published date: December 14, 2022
Originally released in August 2022, the DevX extension enhances your day-to-day life as a developer on Azure Kubernetes Service. New changes to the extension include a brand-new user experience (UX), and new commands that allow you to easily containerize non-container applications using Draft. A list of the commands include:
- Draft a Dockerfile adds the minimum required Dockerfile to the project directory.
- Draft a Kubernetes Deployment and Service adds the appropriate deployment and service files to your application. Allowing you to deploy to an AKS cluster.
- Supported deployment types: Helm, Kustomize, Kubernetes manifest.
- Build an image on Azure Container Registry build an image on an ACR to later use in your deployment files.
- Prerequisites shows you all the steps that you need to get up and running on AKS. By the end of this checklist, you will have an application up and running on AKS!
If you are interested in learning more, please visit the extension’s GitHub.
To learn more, use this link.