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Microsoft Azure Blog

From code to production: New ways Azure helps you build transformational AI experiences 

What was once a distant promise is now manifesting—and not only through the type of apps that are possible, but how you can build them. With Azure, we’re meeting you where you are today—and paving the way to where you’re going. So let’s jump right into some of what you’ll learn over the next few days. Welcome to Build 2024!

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Published • 2 min read

Azure Cognitive Services adds important certifications, greater availability, and new unified key 

One of the most important considerations when choosing an AI service is security and regulatory compliance. Can you trust that the AI is being processed with the high standards and safeguards that you come to expect with hardened, durable software systems?

Published • 4 min read

Pix2Story: Neural storyteller which creates machine-generated story in several literature genre 

Storytelling is at the heart of human nature. We were storytellers long before we were able to write, we shared our values and created our societies mostly through oral storytelling. Then, we managed to find the way to record and share our stories, and certainly more advanced ways to broadly share our stories; from Gutenberg’s printing press to television, and the internet.