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Bletchley – release & roadmap – Cryplets deep dive

In the introduction of Project Bletchley white paper in June, we introduced some of the requirements needed for building consortium based blockchains as well as Cryptlets, a primitive for next generation blockchain applications. Today, I'm proud to announce the release of Bletchley v1 and the next level of detail regarding the roadmap of features for Cryptlets.

In the introduction of Project Bletchley white paper in June, we introduced some of the requirements needed for building consortium-based blockchains as well as Cryptlets, a primitive for next generation blockchain applications. Today, I'm proud to announce the release of Bletchley v1 and the next level of detail regarding the roadmap of features for Cryptlets.

Bletchley v1 is the release of the first consortium blockchain template that allows customers and partners to spin up a private consortium Ethereum network from a handfull of nodes to 100s of nodes in the network.  It reduces the estimated 3 week process of setting up a globally distributed multi-node consortium Ethereum network down to 8 questions and 5-8 minutes.  Not only does Bletchley v1 automate the setup of the network infrastructure but it sets up a portal for rapidlly getting started developing applications on Ethereum.

Additionally, more information about the roadmap for Bletchley with details about Cryptlets is available here. Cryptlets are building blocks for a new layer of capability we are calling the Cryptlet Fabric, where these components can be developed, published and accessed in a standard way.  They will be discoverable within developer, architect, and business process modeling tools for easy use and can be created with an SDK to expose your own logic for reuse and sale.  

Cryptlets provide a common and approachable way for developers to use cross cutting capabilities like integration into existing systems, secure execution and data, privacy, scalability in programming languages enterprise developers use most.  Microsoft Azure offers a world wide footprint that will allow Bletchley to offer a hyper-scale secure data and execution platform to help build the next generation applications on any blockchain platform.

Click here to view the Bletchley Roadmap – Cryptlet Deep-Dive Features and Behaviors.