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GPU Optimized Visualization VMs now available in South Central US, West US, West Europe and North Europe Azure Regions

Tanggal dipublikasikan: 30 Juli, 2019

NVv3-series, virtual machines targeted for GPU accelerated graphics applications and virtual desktops are now Generally Available in South Central US, West US, West Europe and North Europe Azure regions.

NVv3-series VMs support premium storage, higher memory and feature Intel Hyper-threading technology, which doubles the number of vCPUs available for applications that can take advantage of more CPU threads.

NVv3 VMs feature 12 vCPU cores and 112GB of RAM for each Nvidia M60 GPU with 8GB of GPU memory. The VM supports up to 4 M60 GPUs and 32 data disks.

Each GPU in NVv3 instances comes with a Nvidia GRID license. This license gives customers the flexibility to use the NV instance as a virtual workstation for a single user, or 25 concurrent users in a  virtual application scenario.

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