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New Azure Storage JavaScript client library for browsers – Preview

Announcing Azure Storage Client Library for JavaScript

Today we are announcing our newest library: Azure Storage Client Library for JavaScript. The demand for the Azure Storage Client Library for Node.js, as well as your feedback, has encouraged us to work on a browser-compatible JavaScript library to enable web development scenarios with Azure Storage. With that, we are now releasing the preview of Azure Storage JavaScript Client Library for Browsers.

Enables web development scenarios

The JavaScript Client Library for Azure Storage enables many web development scenarios using storage services like Blob, Table, Queue, and File, and is compatible with modern browsers. Be it a web-based gaming experience where you store state information in the Table service, uploading photos to a Blob account from a Mobile app, or an entire website backed with dynamic data stored in Azure Storage.

As part of this release, we have also reduced the footprint by packaging each of the service APIs in a separate JavaScript file. For instance, a developer who needs access to Blob storage only needs to require the following scripts:

2. Let’s now add a few items to the page to initiate the transfer. Add the following tags inside the BODY tag. Notice that the button calls uploadBlobFromText method when clicked. We will define this method in the next step.

3. So far, we have included the client library and added the HTML code to show the user a text input and a button to initiate the transfer. When the user clicks on the upload button, uploadBlobFromText will be called. Let’s define that now:

Of course, it is not that common to upload blobs from text. See the following samples for uploading from stream as well as a sample for progress tracking.

•    JavaScript Sample for Blob
•    JavaScript Sample for Queue
•    JavaScript Sample for Table
•    JavaScript Sample for File 


Finally, join our Slack channel to share with us your scenarios, issues, or anything, really. We’ll be there to help!