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HDInsight Tools for VSCode: Enhanced PySpark Interactive Query

Published date: 20 June, 2019

We are pleased to announce the integration of VSCode Python extension to handle PySpark interactive for HDInsight in VSCode. The Azure HDInsight Tools for VSCode leverages the Python extension to provide enhanced python editing experience, Jupyter Notebook integration and the Notebook like PySpark interactive query.

With this integration, you can enjoy native Python programming experiences such as linting, debugging support, language service and so on. You can import / export a IPYNB Notebook and perform Notebook like query including ‘Run Cell’, ‘Run Above’, ‘Run Below’, in addition to the current functionalities of run current line, run highlighted lines and run all; With this integration, the interactive experience is much improved. Your source code and markdown comments are displayed in the interactive results window along with the running results and output. You can manipulate the output window by removing the unneeded sections. You can also enter comments or input additional code in the interactive results window. Moreover, you can visualize your results in a graphic format through matplotlib like Jupyter Notebook.


How to install or update

First, install Visual Studio Code and download Mono 4.2.x (for Linux and Mac). Then get the latest Azure HDInsight Tools by going to the VSCode Extension repository or the VSCode Marketplace and searching for HDInsight.

For more information about HDInsight Tools for VSCode, please use the following resources:

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  • HDInsight
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