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General availability: Run IBM WebSphere Liberty and Open Liberty on ARO and AKS

Published date: November 02, 2021

These new Marketplace solutions let you focus on developing and deploying containerized applications instead of initial provisioning and configuration of Java and Azure resources. The included solution templates automatically provision resources including virtual networks, an ARO or AKS cluster, an OpenShift Container Registry (OCR) or an Azure Container Registry (ACR), and the Liberty Operator. The solutions can deploy a container image including Open Liberty or WebSphere Liberty and your application, and allow for a high degree of configuration and customization.

IBM and Microsoft also provide step-by-step guidance on getting started with Liberty on ARO or AKS. This guidance is suited to customers that want to stay as close as possible to a native OpenShift or Kubernetes manual deployment experience. All the solutions are Bring-Your-Own-License and assume you have sufficient entitlements to use Liberty on Azure. WebSphere Liberty is available as a limited trial option before entitlement is required. Open Liberty is open source and free to use unsupported. You can also use Open Liberty supported through WebSphere Liberty entitlements.

This release is part of an ongoing collaboration between IBM and Microsoft to help you run your Java Enterprise Edition (EE)/Jakarta EE applications in the cloud using the WebSphere family of products. We previously released a Marketplace solution to run WebSphere Traditional on Azure Linux Virtual Machines (VMs). This new release gives customers even more options for deploying WebSphere on Azure.

Learn more about WebSphere on ARO.

Learn more about WebSphere on AKS.

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  • Azure Red Hat OpenShift
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