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Cloud Services (classic) deployment model is retiring on 31 August 2024

Published date: April 19, 2024

On 31 August 2024, we’ll retire the Cloud Services (classic) deployment model. Before that date, you’ll need to migrate your services that were deployed using this model to Cloud Services (extended support) in Azure Resource Manager, which provides new capabilities, including: 

  • Support for deployment templates.

  • Role-based access control.  

  • Regional resiliency.  

Required action  

In order to avoid service disruption and continue to use your cloud services that were deployed using Cloud Services (classic), you must migrate them to Cloud Services (extended support) in Resource Manager before 31 August 2024. Beginning 1st September 2024, your Cloud Service deployments would be stopped and deallocated, and data will be permanently lost.

Help and support  

If you have questions, ask the community experts in Microsoft Q&A. If you have a support plan and need technical help, please create a support request: 

  • Cloud Services
  • Retirements

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