Azure Shared Image Gallery--New features are now generally available
Published date: November 20, 2020
New features in the Azure Shared Image Gallery are now generally available
Capture VM
Use this feature to create a Shared Image Gallery image version directly from a VM. Previously, creating Shared Image Gallery image versions was supported from only managed images or snapshots.
Get started—Documentation, CLI, PowerShell, API, ARM template, and download the SDK.
Create image version from Disk
Use this feature to create a Shared Image Gallery image version directly from managed disks. Previously, creating Shared Image Gallery image versions was supported from only managed images or snapshots.
Get started—Documentation, CLI, PowerShell, Portal, API, ARM template, and download the SDK.
Copy image versions across shared image galleries
Move Shared Image Gallery image versions from one gallery by selecting an image version in another shared image gallery as the source.
Get started—Documentation, CLI, PowerShell, Portal, API, ARM template, and download the SDK.
Create managed disk from image version
Export the OS disk or any data disk from an existing image version.
Get started—Documentation, CLI, PowerShell, API, ARM Template, and download the SDK.