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Public preview: Azure Monitor OpenTelemetry Exporters

Published date: November 02, 2021

Azure Monitor Application Insights is a cloud native application performance monitoring (APM) offering which enables you to observe failures, bottlenecks, and usage patterns to resolve incidents faster and reduce downtime.  

With the public preview release of Azure Monitor OpenTelemetry exporters for .NET, Node.js, and Python, you can now instrument your application with OpenTelemetry’s vendor-neutral and consistent APIs/SDKs across languages. 

This release adds additional OpenTelemetry language support to our existing OpenTelemetry-based Java Auto-Instrumentation offering, which was released in November 2020. 

You can learn more about Microsoft’s investments in OpenTelemetry in a recent blog or by reviewing the Overview or FAQ on our official documentation. 

  • Azure Monitor
  • SDK and Tools
  • Open Source
  • Microsoft Ignite

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