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Public preview: MySQL extension for Azure Data Studio

Tanggal dipublikasikan: 12 Oktober, 2022

When you’re working with multiple databases across data platforms and cloud deployment models, being able to perform the most common tasks on all of your databases using a single tool enhances your productivity severalfold.

With the MySQL extension for Azure Data Studio, you can now connect to and modify MySQL databases along with your other databases, taking advantage of the modern editor experience and capabilities in Azure Data Studio, such as IntelliSense, code snippets, source control integration, native Jupyter Notebooks, an integrated terminal, and more. Use this new tooling with any MySQL server hosted on-premises, on virtual machines, on managed MySQL in other clouds, and on Azure Database for MySQL – Flexible Server.  

Learn more.

  • Database Azure untuk MySQL
  • Features
  • Open Source
  • Microsoft Ignite