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Azure Monitor Application Insights Java 3.0 is now generally available

Tanggal dipublikasikan: 05 November, 2020

Java 3.0 agent for Azure Monitor Application Insights is now generally available, enabling auto-instrumentation for application monitoring of Java apps in any environment. In other words, whether you are running your Java apps on VMs, on-premises, in AKS, on Windows, Linux, the Java 3.0 agent will monitor your app without changing the code. The Java agent can be enabled through just a couple of configuration changes with. It instantly enables powerful functionality and benefits such as​​​​:

  • Monitor your app without changing your code - enable Java agent through just a couple of configuration changes
  • Application monitoring for apps running in any environment
  • A wide variety of the most-used frameworks and dependencies supported out of the box
  • Distributed tracing—application map

Application Insights Java 3.0 agent autocollects a wide range of requests, dependencies, logs, and metrics. Some of the most popular libraries and frameworks supported by the new Java agent include:

  • gRPC
  • Netty/Webflux
  • JMS
  • Kafka
  • Cassandra
  • MongoDB


Learn more.

  • Azure Monitor
  • Application Insights
  • Features
  • SDK and Tools

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