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Export cost details using the FinOps Open Cost and Usage Specification (FOCUS)

Date de publication : 13 novembre, 2023

The FinOps Open Cost and Usage Specification (FOCUS) is a groundbreaking initiative to establish a common provider and service agnostic format for billing data that empowers organizations to better understand cost and usage patterns and optimize spending and performance across multiple cloud, software as a service (SaaS), and even on-premises service offerings. Microsoft Cost Management is introducing support for cost and usage data exports aligned to the FOCUS schema as part of a limited preview leading up to the next major FOCUS release.

Sign up for the FOCUS preview.


To learn more about FOCUS and why we believe it's important, see FOCUS: A new specification for cloud cost transparency.


Screenshot of a FinOps toolkit Power BI report showing Azure cost data broken down by FOCUS service category and service name. See

  • Microsoft Cost Management
  • Features
  • Management
  • Pricing & Offerings
  • Open Source

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