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Azure DevTest Labs: Create multiple identical VMs at once from Azure portal

Date de publication : 17 mars, 2017

Now you can create multiple identical VMs (up to 100) in Azure DevTest Labs from the same VM image and artifacts all at once, through the Azure portal.

Often, a bunch of identical claimable VMs need to be created for training, or you need a couple of identical VMs for different types of testing. With this support, you no longer need to repeat the steps to create those VMs one by one. Instead, you give a number in Advanced settings when creating the VM, and DevTest Labs creates that number of VMs in a single shot.

Specify a number in "Advanced settings" to create multiple identical VMs

The VM names consists of the name you specify during VM creation and an index number starting from 00 (for example, devbox00, devbox01, etc.).

Please try it today and let us know what you think about it! If you have an idea for how to make it work better, submit your feedback (or vote for others) at the Azure DevTest Labs feedback forum.

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