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General availability: Azure Active Directory authentication for Application Insights

Fecha de publicación: 30 junio, 2022

Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) authentication for Azure Monitor Application Insights is now fully released. By using Azure AD, you can now ensure that only authenticated telemetry is ingested in your Application Insights resources.

Typically, using various authentication systems can be cumbersome and pose risk since it’s difficult to manage credentials at a large scale. You can now choose to opt-out of local authentication and ensure only telemetry that is exclusively authenticated using Managed Identities and Azure Active Directory is ingested in your Application Insights resource. This feature is a step to enhance the security and reliability of the telemetry used to make both critical operational (alerting/autoscale etc.) and business decisions.

Learn more.

  • Azure Monitor
  • Detalles de la aplicación
  • Id. de Microsoft Entra (anteriormente Azure AD)
  • Features