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Application Insights adds support for iOS and Android apps, improved Java app support, and fine-time selection

Published date: May 11, 2015
Application Insights announced its commercial public preview on 4/29. For detailed information, see Announcing Application Insights Public Preview.New features that are going live include:
  • Support for iOS and Android apps with new SDKs and overview pages
  • Improved support for Java apps with performance counters and unhandled exceptions
  • Ability to drag to select a specific time range within a chart on the ASP.NET overview blade
More information about these updates is available at Application Insights: iOS and Android Support, Performance Counters and unhandled exceptions for Java apps, and fine time selection.Application Insights is in preview, and pricing will go into effect in June. For information about pricing plans, see Visual Studio Application Insights Pricing.
  • Application Insights
  • Features