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New Relic now provides integration with Azure Open Source Databases

Published date: 05 August, 2019

New Relic now provides an integration for three more Azure services—Azure Database for PostgreSQL, MySQL, and MariaDB. If you’re using New Relic as a monitoring solution, you can now use it to monitor these Azure services and your applications. It brings together data from servers, containers, databases, and third-party services to make your stack entirely observable. This service enables developer and operations teams to work collaboratively to avoid downtime, resolve performance problems, and ensure that development and deployment cycles finish on time.

If you’re using any open source database services on Azure and need a cloud integration, you can get Azure Monitor metrics and inventory attributes into New Relic, both for observability and alerting purposes. The new integrations provide the following features on New Relic:

  • View Azure Database for PostgreSQL, MySQL, and MariaDB data in New Relic One dashboards.
  • Run custom queries and visualize the data via New Relic Insights.
  • Create alert conditions to notify you of changes in data.

New Relic supported integrations with Azure Database for PostgreSQL, Azure Database for MySQL, and Azure Database for MariaDB collect time series metrics, metadata, and custom tags from Azure Monitor and Azure Resource Manager to allow for flexible dashboarding, alerting, and analytics. You can view this data in one place alongside information from the rest of your Azure environment and your entire stack in New Relic.

To learn more about New Relic, request a demo or sign up for a trial.

  • Services