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New E-mail templates for Log search alerts - API version 2021-08-01 and up

Published date: October 30, 2023

Log alerts are one of the alert types that are supported in Azure Monitor. Log alerts allow users to use a log analytics query to evaluate resources logs every set frequency, and fire an alert based on the results. Rules can trigger one or more actions using action groups. Rules can trigger one or more actions using action groups.

Previously, all types of log search alerts (API version 2021-08-01 and up) employed a common schema email template (for non-common schema and common schema actions).

During November, we will replace log search alerts (API version 2021-08-01 and up) that uses non-common schema template with an upgraded and more informative email template. The new email template will provide additional information in a more visually appealing format, making it easier to investigate alerts.


If you prefer to continue using the standard email template, you can access the action group and enable the common schema by following the instructions provided here.

  • Alerts
  • Action Groups
  • Compliance
  • Features
  • Services